Be Relentless
By James Moorer - July 8, 2024
Be Relentless
The Next Time the Fears and Doubts come for you, say this out loud: If I was less than nothing, why You trying so hard? Why you always on my jock on trying to catch me off guard? That might have worked when I was eight, nine, or ten. But today, son you had better think again. See, every pain I've endured and been through Has been my preparation for ...
What does success look like?
By James Moorer - June 3, 2024
What does success look like?
We must forever give up this notion that we must live in fear because someone told you to be afraid, or because you spent hours, days, focusing on your fear and allowing it to determine the choices you will make, the people you will like, and what a good successful person looks like. Screw that bullcrap. Look in the mirror. THAT IS WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE. You can embrace the ...
Be About It
By James Moorer - May 6, 2024
Be About It
We don't simply dream the dream. We visualize the dream. We live the dream. We eat the dream. We study the dream. We work the dream. Dreaming is enough. There's an old saying among the culture, "You can talk about it or you can be about it." And to Be About It, means you are willing to work and fight. Fight your fears, doubts, and insecurities. Not just when you ...
You have One Job
By James Moorer - April 1, 2024
You have One Job
Your job is to live an Epic Life. How that is defined has nothing to do with how much money you or where you live. YOU DEFINE YOUR EPICNESS. Your Epic Life has NOTHING to do with your feelings. HATE is a feeling and can be wrapped in Love, Patriotism, or Righteousness when focused AGAINST someone else. THAT IS NOT YOUR JOB! YOUR FEELINGS DO NOT MATTER! To be Epic ...
Are you on autopilot?
By James Moorer - March 4, 2024
Are you on autopilot?
What's playing in the background of your life right now? This is something You be EXTREMELY AWARE OF. Most of us start our day on AUTOPILOT, allowing the noise of the day to flow into us without realizing the damage it's doing. This is UNINTENTIONAL SABOTAGE.It's easy to let other people influence our thoughts and decisions. Nine times out of the world's opinions lead to divisive and destructive actions AGAINST ...
It's not selfish, it's Tactical.
By James Moorer - February 5, 2024
It's not selfish, it's Tactical.
As a rule, I never get out of bed without first speaking gratitude for all my blessings and humility for the greatness I am given. I make a thankful declaration of who I am in mind, body, and spirit. It doesn't mean that I'm perfect but rather in spite of my imperfections, | am still loved, cherished, adored, and highly favored. That's my focus even before my feet hit the ...
An Epic New Year
By James Moorer - January 1, 2024
An Epic New Year
Happy New Year!I'd like to take a moment to thank all of you for helping make 2023 a great year. Last year was filled with many blessings. It started with publishing the Go Be Epic workbook, then in March we launched my independent media company, One Moorer, and we ended the year with adding a publishing imprint, Dark Anthem! I was also hired to write a horror screenplay and continued my duties at Roadmap ...
You are the Blessing
By James Moorer - December 12, 2023
You are the Blessing
How often must it be repeated,That you or your life is not defeated?How many times must it be said,Before you rise and lift your head?Before you finally get a clue,With everything that you've been through,That you are one of the chosen few,And there is a Love that is Bigger Than You?And if you cut out all that chatterAnd stop listening to idiots who don’t care or matter,And stop relying on ...
Guard Your Thoughts
By James Moorer - November 7, 2023
Guard Your Thoughts
If you spend more time holding onto the bad things that happen in your life, you miss out on all the time you could spend reveling in the good.And old wounds can't heal if you keep ripping off the scab and eventually, it will become infected and make things worse. So guard your thoughts. Set your mind to reject the hurt and the past. Live in expectation of wonderful things on ...
It's Already Promised
By James Moorer - October 10, 2023
It's Already Promised
SPEAK… to your dreams.Even in the midst of pain.Even if you can't see it.Even if people doubt you and whisper behind your back.Even when friends half-heartedly support you. Even when you can't see it.Even when feels like you're going nowhere.Even when you feel like the universe is against you...Open your mouth... and say....I AM...I CAN...I WILL BE...and most importantly.....IT'S ALREADY PROMISED.Then BELIEVE...and walk into your GIVEN GREATNESS.Go. Be. Epic.JMFor more, ...
Recent posts
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